Views Examples

Project GitHub Stars
Project GitHub Watchers

An example module that installs some example Views and content to show how to use Views in different ways to display content.

This module assumes that you have installed the site using the standard install profile. You will see errors if you install the module on sites that do not contain the expected fields that are installed through this profile.

If you have a blank Drupal site, you can re-install the site and the module in one shot using the following command. Don't run this on a site if you want to keep any of the content in it.

ddev drush si standard --yes --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin && ddev drush en hashbangcode_views_examples

This module will work on Drupal 9+.

Views Available

The following Views are installed when this module is installed. They are all available as menu links in the "Main navigation" menu.


A list of tags that can be filtered using a single filter in a Views exposed form.

- Path /example-tags-filter

Contextual filter

A list of tags that can be filtered using a contextual filter. An attached View allows the contextual filter to be set.

- Path /example-tags-contextual-filter


A View that demonstrates the use of View relationships. In this case the relationship of User is added so that a filter can be created to look at the role of the user.

- Path /example-relationship

Display Modes

A View that demonstrates the different types of display modes available. The display modes are as follows.

Page Display

This is a page display with an attachment display at the bottom of the output.

This is in order to show both the page and attachment displays working together.

Also attached to this page is a feed display mode.

- Path /example-display-modes-page

Feed Display

Attached to the page display mode, this is an example of an RSS feed.

- Path /example-display-modes-feed

Embed Feed Display

The embed display mode can't be shown on its own. It is intended to be injected into other elements on the site using the `views_embed_view()` function. To show this in action a controller has been created that will render this display mode.

- Path /example-display-modes-embed

Exposed Form

Shows a View with a number of different exposed filters, this includes the following filters:

- A grouped filter to select between published and unpublished articles.
- A body and title field to search for content in those fields.
- A combined fields filter that will search for content in both the body and title fields.
- A date range filter, which allows for time offsets to be added.
- A taxonomy tag filter, as a select list.
- The ability to sort the View by date created, title, or published status.

The Views ajax mode is enabled so that the page updates without reloading the page.

- Path /example-exposed-form

Bulk Operations

This View shows how to create a bulk operations form in Views.

- Path /example-bulk-operations


A View to show some of the advanced settings in action, like time based query caching, aggregation, distinct, ajax display, and other query settings.

To make use of the Views tags a hook called hashbangcode_views_examples_query_hashbangcode_query_tag_alter has been created that will hide node 1.

- Path /example-advanced-page


If you want to contribute to this module or add extra examples then please do. The [Features]( module was used to export the View configurations, which makes generating the configuration easy.