Drupal 10 Quick Start

Get a Drupal site up and running in minutes with the quick start command.

First, download Drupal via composer.

composer create-project drupal/recommended-project my_drupal_site

This will create a directory called "my_drupal_site", change directory to this new directory and run the quick start command.

php -d memory_limit=256M ./web/core/scripts/drupal quick-start demo_umami

This will install Drupal using the Umami demo install profile and open a new browser window with your newly installed site. You will be logged in, but the user access details will also be printed on the command line output.

This is using the built in PHP web server and so might need stopping and re-running occasionally if it gets stuck. It's not meant for production, just a demonstration of Drupal.

If you have any missing dependencies then the command will let you know and prompt you to install them before you can run the site.

The command has a help menu that you can use to see some of the extra options available.

php ./web/core/scripts/drupal quick-start --help

For more information see the quick start documentation page on Drupal.org.

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