5th February 2008 - 4 minutes read time
The Exif/IFD0 functions in PHP work with images to pull out meta data associated with them. Most image applications and digital cameras will produce an image with a certain amount of meta data present. This is obvious stuff like file size and creation time stamps, but you can also get stuff like copy right notices, camera name, date picture taken and even things like location if the camera was linked to a GPS system. This meta data can be used to sort or categorise images.
On Linux systems you must configure exif support with the command --enable-exif when calling the configure script.
On Windows all you have to do is uncomment the lines in your php.ini file for the DLL's php_exif.dll and php_mbstring.dll. However, you must ensure that the php_mbstring.dll DLL is loaded before the php_exif.dll DLL. So you will need to edit your php.ini file so that php_mbstring.dll is located above php_exif.dll.