18th May 2009 - 6 minutes read time
A robots.txt file is a simple, static, file that you can add to your site in order to stop search engines from crawling the content of certain pages or directories. You can even prevent certain user agents from crawling certain areas of you site.
Lets take a real-world example and look at what you would do if you decided to set up a Feedburner feed in place of your normal RSS feed. I won't go into why you would do this much, other than to say that you get some nice usage statistics and it can save on some processing power on your server as your feed is only looked at when Feedburner updates. Once you have allowed your blog to issue the Feeburner feed instead of your normal feed you then need to stop search engines from indexing the old feed. This stops is appearing in search indexes and things so that you can get your users to grab the Feedburner feed and not your local feed. You would then put a robots.txt file in place with the following content.