Learning Styles

Fill in the form to see what sort of learning style you have.

1. Do you find it easy to meet new people and make new friends?
2. Are you cautious and thoughtful?
3. Do you get bored easily?
4. Are you a practical, "hands on" kind of person?
5. Do you like to try things out for yourself?
6. Do friends consider you to be a good listener?
7. Do you have clear ideas about the best way to do things?
8. Do you enjoy being the centre of attention?
9. Are you a bit of a daydreamer?
10. Do you keep a list of things to do?
11. Do you like to experiment to find the best way to do things?
12. Do you prefer to think things out logically?
13. Do you like to concentrate on one thing at a time?
14. Do people sometimes think of you as shy and quiet?
15. Are you a bit of a perfectionist?
16. Are you enthusiastic about life?
17. Would you rather "get on with the job" than keep talking about it?
18. Do you often notice things that other people miss?
19. Do you act first then think about the consequences later?
20. Do you like to have everything in its "proper place"?
21. Do you ask lots of questions?
22. Do you like to think things through before getting involved?
23. Do you enjoy trying out new things?
24. Do you like the challenge of having a problem to solve?

Submit the form and your score will be at the top of the page.

The Four Learning Styles

The activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist is the Money and Mumford (1992) learning model, based on Kolb's model, but using more every day language. Rather than separate entities, these learning styles are a continuum that flow together.

Here is a breakdown of the learning styles.


Activists dive into new experiences with an open mind and a willingness to learn. They savor the present moment and allow their immediate surroundings to take hold.


Reflectors step back from experiences to mull them over and consider them from all sides. They gather data, both firsthand and secondhand, and prefer to carefully analyze and ponder it from every possible perspective before forming definitive conclusions.


Theorists excel at analysis and synthesis. They piece together disparate facts and observations into coherent, logical theories. Their philosophy exalts rationality and logic above all else.


Pragmatists love putting ideas, theories, and techniques to the test. They seek out new approaches and eagerly experiment to see what works.

Breakdown Of The Scores

TypeVery Low PreferenceLow PreferenceModerateStrong PreferenceVery Strong Preference
Activist01 - 23 - 45 - 67 - 8
Reflector0 - 3456 - 78
Theorist0 - 234 - 567 - 8
Pragmatist0 - 34567 - 8
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