2nd January 2009 - 3 minutes read time
To get Phing you will need to have PEAR installed along with PHP. On a Windows system you can install PEAR by running the go-pear.bat file and running through the prompts there.
To get Phing just run the following commands.
pear channel-discover pear.phing.info
pear install --alldeps phing/phing
You should see the install output looking like this:
downloading phing-current.tgz ...
Starting to download phing-current.tgz (361,527 bytes)
.........................................................................done: 361,527 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.php.net/phing-2.1.1
You can now run Phing by typing the following command:
However, this will automatically try to find a file in the current directory called build.xml, and if it doesn't find this file it will simply state the following before stopping: