Multiple Google Analytics On Same Page

To set up multiple Google Analytics tags on the same page you need to use the _uff = false; command in between the unchinTracker() calls to reset the tracker for the next account. The urchinTracker() function will send information on the page visit off to Google Analytics.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  _uacct = "UA-XXXXX"; // First account details
  _uff = 0; // Reset tracker for second account
  _uacct = "UA-YYYYY"; // Second account details

You can do this for as many accounts as you like, but be aware that there will come a point when there will be a noticeable delay on the site when the calls to Google Analytics are done so don't do too many.


I've seen this written with
_uff = false;
Instead of
_uff = 0;
However, using the variable false doesn't work! Thanks for the tip.

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